Community Partners and Parent Resources
Colorin Colorado Bilingual site for families and educators of English language learners
SouthSide Early Childhood Center collaborates with community partners to provide social service consulting and referrals for parents/guardians; medical and dental care for children; and on-site speech, occupational, physical, disability and mental health therapies.
Center for Speech and Hearing provides speech and hearing assessments.
Bricks and Bites LLC provides therapies for children 0-5 years.
Delta Gamma Center for Children with Visual Impairments provides vision screenings to children 6 months and older.
First Steps provides disabilities services to children 0-3 years.
Gateway to Oral Health Foundation provides dental exams to children.
Healthy Kids Express van provides dental screening, dental treatment, lead screening, and immunizations.
Institute for Family Medicine provides weekly visits by a nurse practitioner to do various health exams on our children. She completes physicals, hearing, vision, lead, and hemoglobin exams and provides referrals and prescriptions as needed.
Learning Disabilities Association (LDA) provides professional development, observation, and consultation for teachers.
National Charity League (NCL) is a national non-profit organization comprised of mother and daughter members in chapters across the United States. National Charity League- Gateway Chapter has 271 members providing hands-on volunteer service for 24 philanthropic organizations in the community. At SouthSide, NCL members help out as classroom assistants, volunteer at special events, and provide assistance with various projects throughout the year.
Ready Readers visits our classrooms to read books and help build early literacy skills to prepare our children for kindergarten.
St. Louis Area Diaper Bank provides diapers to SouthSide families for the evenings and weekends.
St. Louis Public Library drops off age-appropriate books monthly for classrooms.
The St. Louis Public Schools collaborate with SouthSide to provide on-site speech therapy, occupational therapy, early childhood special education, and other supplemental education services for students with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs).
Walker Scottish Rite Clinic provides speech therapy for Spanish-speaking children.
SouthSide partners with Youth in Need to provide Head Start and Early Head Start services.
Our Affinia Healthcare partner offers a mobile medical service.
We work closely with organizations in South City and throughout the area to support our children and families: