Building for the Future

Tim Burke, aka 1inspiredidiot, is only days away from his 146-mile ultra-marathon in Death Valley! He has been inspired by our children and families to break through the physical and mental barriers that this incredible effort requires. He eloquently talks about these issues in his blog - check it out! We are so proud of his TV spot on Show Me St. Louis on Thursday, June 28, which you can view here. Tim is running to raise awareness about SouthSide's important work, and also to raise funds for our new school. What's so important about a new building? Well, in all of our history we have occupied two buildings, and we have been in our current school since 1954, when Dwight Eisenhower was President and Stan Musial was an up-and-comer for the Cards.

We've been here, at 10th and Sidney Streets:

SouthSide's first building And here, 2930 Iowa Avenue, our current location:


SouthSide's current building - only our second

And now, we have an opportunity to build a truly wonderful new school at Jefferson and Russell in south City:

SouthSide's new school

Does the physical space of a preschool really matter? It sure does. I'll paraphrase our dear friend Rev. Jerry Paul, who once said, "a child's environment impacts the view she has for her future." Our children spend 6 to 10 hours a day with us in an exceptional early childhood program. Our new school will inspire them to great heights, just as our curriculum and loving teachers do. That's what Tim is running for - he's not an idiot, he's a genius!

BlogCleo Fisher